Here at AgriSmart we are continuously exploring new ways of improving our software to meet the needs of our clients. These past few months have been no different with the…
Introduction to a Fit-For-Purpose Payroll System Currently, in NZ there are over 90 payroll software companies, so how do you know which software to use for your orchard/vineyard? Do you…
11 court cases in four months have caught the eye of Employment New Zealand and those in finance, payroll, and HR positions. AgriSmart guarantees compliance and makes sure that no…
Are you ready for the PAYE changes which become mandatory April 1, 2019?From 1 April 2019, it will become a mandatory requirement to file an Employment Information (EI) return online…
TimeSmart software has been around in one form or another for over 10 years, with Time and Attendance and Full Job Costing being our cornerstone features. In 2015, AgriSmart was…
From time to time businesses of varying sizes and across different industries are made examples of by the media in relation to inaccuracies found in methodology used to calculate various…
Dairy farming in New Zealand is no small task. From managing staff to keeping up with compliance, there's always something that needs your attention. That's why AgriSmart's software was created…
We often see articles in various media about breach in employment law within the Dairy Farming sector. So why does it make more headlines than other industries? Is the dairy…
We often see articles in various media about breach in employment law within the Dairy Farming sector. So why does it make more headlines than other industries? Is the dairy…
The New Zealand Dairy Farming industry has played a pivotal role in the New Zealand economy for the past near decade. As farm sizes continue to grow, New Zealand dairy…